
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the RIS MS LA blog! I will use this site to update information about various classes, discuss books, provide websites for students to explore, and just communicate with all of you! I hope that this site will be a useful tool to improve communication and understanding between me and all of you. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope that you keep visiting for more insights about our classes. Please keep in mind that I will update this site with information periodically. I may not necessarily have designated days, but keep visiting for updates! :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Oh, the ESLRs, the ESLRs...Miss. Lee keeps talking about it, but what is it?  The ESLRs are the Expected Schoolwide Learning Results that we hope all students at RIS can achieve.  We want our students to be well-rounded students who strive to make a difference.  In case you forgot, the RIS ESLRs can be found below.  Become familiar with the language and the descriptors, and try to put it into action when you interact with your peers. YOU can be the difference that RIS needs!


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